Dr. med. Hans P. Ogal
Specialist in Anesthesiology and Pain therapy; working several years in the Department of pain therapy (Director Prof. Dr. H. F. Herget (†)) of the Department of Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care Medicine University Hospital Giessen, Germany. Trained in naturopathic medicine and pain therapy by Prof. Dr. med. dent. H. F. Herget (†), Dr. med. J. Gleditsch and Dr. med. T. Yamamoto (Ph.D.). Since 2001 Lecturer at the University of Marburg for “acupuncture, energetic treatments and pain therapy”. From 2002 to 2012, head of the Department für pain therapy, Aeskulap Clinic, Center for Medical Holistic Medicine in Brunnen, Switzerland. Since 2012 working in his own Clinic for pain therapy in Baar and Brunnen/Switzerland. Lecturer of the German Medical Association for Acupuncture (DÄGfA) with the topics of acupuncture, neural pain therapy, pain and regulation therapy and speaker of further training organizations.