Article 1 Definitions

A number of terms are used several times in these general terms and conditions. The definitions are given below.

The client is any natural person acting in a professional capacity or as a company or legal person who concludes or wishes to conclude an agreement with Global Events and Conferences Company on his own behalf (or also in his capacity as a participant), or on behalf of third parties, or uses or wishes to use arrangements, activities, services or material of Global Events and Conferences Company.

Global Events and Conferences Company is the organizer, the contractor, who offers activities and/or services to individuals or groups of persons. Global Events and Conferences Company is the user of these terms and conditions.

Parties, both the Client and Global Events and Conferences Company.
A representative is the person who acts on behalf of Global Events and Conferences Company as, among other things, a

supervisor of an activity (travel) leader, instructor.
The participant is the natural person who actually participates in, or makes use of an event.

The supplier, not being the Client, is the one who provides goods, services or other services of monetary value to Global Events and Conferences Company.

An event is a service or activity organized by Global Events and Conferences Company, company or professionally, or a combination thereof, as well as offering facilities, all this in the broadest sense of the word. (a.o. the rental of equipment, arranging transport, (accommodation) accommodation, giving instruction(s) and the supervision of (parts of) a program/activity, the organization of congresses and meetings. Global Events and Conferences Company organizes events of a day part, one-day events (without overnight stay) and multi-day events (if applicable with overnight stay).

Whenever Global Events and Conferences Company ( GEC ) talks about an agreement, it concerns the agreement whereby Global Events and Conferences Company undertakes towards a Client to organise and/or deliver an event. The agreement needs to be considered as a travel agreement if Global Events and Conferences Company undertakes to provide a pre-arranged trip, which includes an overnight stay or a period of more than 24 hours, as well as at least two of the following services:

• transportation;

accommodation and;
another (tourist) service, not related to transport or accommodation, which constitutes a

significant part of an event.
A day is to be considered a calendar day
For Global Events and Conferences Company, written means on paper and/or by e-mail.



Article 2 Applicability

These general terms and conditions apply to any offer, orders and agreements between Global Events and Conferences Company and the Client, unless the parties expressly agree in writing to deviate from these general terms and conditions. Deviating conditions only apply to the agreement for which the deviation has been agreed. The Client can never invoke these deviating conditions in other (future) agreements with Global Events and Conferences Company.

The Client agrees to these general terms and conditions by making a (down) payment and/or entering into an agreement with Global Events and ConferencesCompany and/or actually participating in an event.

The applicability of the (general) terms and conditions of the Client is expressly excluded by Global Events and Conferences Company.

Global Events and Conferences Company may unilaterally amend or supplement these general terms and conditions. Changes and/or additions, minor in nature and/or of minor importance, may always be implemented by Global Events and Conferences Company. Changes and/or additions, large in nature and/or demonstrably to the disadvantage of the Client, will be discussed with the Client in advance.

If one or more provisions of these general terms and conditions are, at any time, partially or completely void or annulled, the remaining provisions shall remain fully applicable. Parties will consult with each other to agree on new provisions to replace the void or annulled provisions. The purpose and scope of the original provisions will be respected as much as possible.

Article 3 Quotation, agreement and confirmation

A quotation can be requested by telephone and/or in writing from Global Eventsand Conferences Company. Based on the client’s wishes, information and/or objectives, a maximum of three (programme) proposals will be made. A proposal always includes an accurate description of the event, including a price indication, time schedules and programme descriptions. These proposals are sent to Client as a written quotation.

All quotations of Global Events and Conferences Company are without obligation and are provided to the Client free of charge, unless stated otherwise.

The Client can no longer derive any rights from an offer if a service and/or product or a (sub)part thereof, to which the offer relates, is no longer available.

In case of a composite quotation, Global Events and Conferences Company is not obliged to carry out only part of the offer if the Client accepts only part of the quotation. In a composite quotation, a combination of several services or offers is offered.

If (additional) conditions are attached to the quotation, Global Events and Conferences Company will explicitly state this in the quotation.

In case of an obvious error or a mistake in an quotation, Global Events and Conferences Company is not bound to this offer.

Quotations do not automatically apply to future agreements between the Client and Global Events and Conferences Company.

An agreement is concluded after Global Events and Conferences Company accepts the Client’s offer to enter into the agreement. For this, the Client receives a written confirmation from Global Events and Conferences Company. An agreement is valid from the moment the Client has received the written confirmation from Global Events and Conferences Company.

The Client/participant entering into the agreement, on behalf of a group, is jointly and severally liable for all obligations arising from the agreement.

The person acting on behalf of the Client is presumed to be authorised and authorised to sign. If at any time this turns out to be different, the person who acts as authorised signatory is jointly and severally liable for all obligations arising from this agreement.

Article 4 Execution and amendment of the agreement

Global Events and Conferences Company carries out all agreements with the greatest care and expertise. Global Events and Conferences Company has an obligation to make an effort. Global Events and Conferences Company cannot guarantee the Client that a certain result will be achieved.

Global Events and Conferences Company is allowed to make use of (the services of) third parties in the execution of the agreement. Any costs will be charged to the Client. If Global Events and Conferences Company wishes to make use of (the services of) third parties, the Client will be informed of this in advance.

Global Events and Conferences Company is only bound by the agreement and/or amendments and/or additions thereto if Global Events and Conferences Company has accepted them in writing.

Unless the parties have explicitly stated otherwise in writing, the event will also take place in bad weather. Global Events and Conferences Company will do everything possible to limit any inconvenience to participants. An outdoor event can be cancelled, free of charge if, in the opinion of Global Events and Conferences Company, it is irresponsible and/or impossible to carry out, in connection with, among other things, safety.

The implementation of what has been agreed upon is partly dependent on local (weather) conditions/ circumstances. If there is no guidance by Global Events and Conferences Company during an event, the Client itself is responsible for a program change, when the situation requires this as such. If guidance is provided by Global Events and Conferences Company, the program will be changed in mutual consultation with the Client.

Global Events and Conferences Company has the right to amend the agreement and/or the offered event as well, if there are important circumstances, to be communicated to the Client without delay. If possible, Global Events and Conferences Company will offer an alternative, whereby the specific character of the event remains intact as much as possible and the alternative fits within the budget of the Client. The Client may only reject the amendment if the alternative has a substantially different character than the original event or if the alternative otherwise causes disadvantage of more than a minor significance. The Client must report this to Global Events and Conferences Company as soon as possible. In that case, the Client shall be entitled to a full refund of any monies already paid or that part of the amount relating to the parts of the event not received.

The Client may submit a request to Global Events and Conferences Company to amend the agreement up to 90 days before the start of the event. Global Events and Conferences Company will inform the Client as soon as possible, in writing and substantiated, whether or not the request for amendment is granted. In connection with organizational costs. If the amount of the amended agreement is more than 10% lower than the previous agreement, the difference is subject to the cancellation arrangement as stated in article 8.

Changing the previously agreed event date is only possible, if the date is unanimously approved by all suppliers of Global Events and Conferences Company, which are part of the agreed event. If suppliers attach costs to this change/displacement, these will be charged in full to the Client.

If it is not possible to move the event date, the Client shall owe the costs in accordance with the scale of article 8 (cancellation) of these general terms and conditions.

A participant who is unable to attend, may, after obtaining permission from the Client, be replaced:

the substitute must meet all the conditions attached to the agreement;
the request for substitution must be submitted in writing to Global Events and Conferences Company no later than 7

days before the start of the event;

if the conditions of the service providers involved in the implementation of the arrangement

do not oppose the substitution;

Global Events and Conferences Company reserves the right to charge the Client for any (additional) costs incurred for

the substitution.

No later than one week before the event, a change in group size must be reported in writing by the Principal to Global Events and Conferences Company. The date on which Global Events and Conferences Company has received the notice of change shall be decisive.

Article 5 Information and travel documents

Before the start of a(n) (multi-day) event, Global Events and Conferences Company will provide the Client/Participant with a telephone number in case of emergencies.

Unless agreed otherwise, and if applicable, Global Events and Conferences Company shall provide the Client/Participant with all necessary information, no later than 2 days before the start of an event.

At events that take place abroad, each participant must be in possession of all documents, required in the country of destination or transit countries, including a valid passport, any visas, vaccinations, etc. Timely verification of the completeness and accuracy of the above is the responsibility of each participant or of the Client. Global Events and Conferences Company is, under no circumstances liable if the Client/participant is unable to participate in an event due to the lack of one or more necessary documents. All consequences are at the risk and expense of the Client/participant.

Article 6 Price (change) and (advance) payment

Unless explicitly stated otherwise, all prices are :

excluding VAT;
excluding any other government levies;
exclusive of any (extra) costs we incur in carrying out the assignment.

Global Events and Conferences Company also has the right to make a price change to the Client:

if, up to 5 days before the start of the event, there has been an increase in the transport costs, including fuel costs, levies owed or the applicable exchange rates;
if there is an (interim) change in the group size. The permitted change in the number of participants, without consequences for an event, is 10 % compared to what has been agreed;
if the Client has provided incorrect or incomplete information to Global Events and Conferences Company, of which the Client could reasonably have known or should have known that it is necessary for the execution of the event and for the correct execution of the event, additional costs must be

incurred by Event Company as a result.

Global Events and Conferences Company will notify the Client of any such price changes as soon as possible, substantiated.

Invoices will be sent to the Principal by e-mail.

Payments must be made within 14 days of the invoice date, unless expressly agreed otherwise in writing.

Global Events and Conferences Company has the right, at the start of the event, to require a deposit from the Client. This deposit will be returned at the end of the agreement, with deduction of all that the Client owes Global Events and Conferences Company under the agreement.

Global Events and Conferences Company has the right to request the Client for a down payment of the invoice amount. The down payment is at least 75 % of the total invoice amount and has to be paid within 14 days after the invoice date. Failure to pay the down payment in time may result in cancellation of the event by Global Events and Conferences Company.

If the agreement is concluded within 72 hours before the start of an event, the Client must pay the full invoice amount by urgent transfer, or pay cash to Global Events and Conferences Company on the spot, at the latest before the start of the event.

The Client who fails to ensure timely payment is in default by operation of law, without a notice of default being required. In such cases, Global Events and Conferences Company is entitled to dissolve the agreement or demand full compliance. From the day of default, the Client owes Global Events and Conferences Company statutory interest on the (outstanding) invoice amount, as well as any additional costs incurred. Global Events and Conferences Company is also entitled to claim additional (damage) compensation for all costs already incurred in connection with the agreement.

In addition, the Client is obliged to reimburse Global Events and Conferences Company for all reasonable costs (both judicial and extrajudicial) incurred in collecting the claim.


1. Article 7 Cancellation and dissolution

It is the Client’s own responsibility provide an adequate (group) cancellation-, accident- and/or travel insurance before the start of the event.

The Client can only cancel the event by means of a registered letter to Global Events and Conferences Company. The date of the postmark will be classified as the date of cancellation.

In the event of cancellation by the Client, the following shall be due as cancellation fee from the Client to Global Events and Conferences Company:

up to 90 days before the start of the event: at least 70% of the total event price;
from 90 to 56 days before the start of the event: at least 75% of the total event price;
from 56 days to 30 days before the start of the event: at least 85 % of the total event price;
from 30 to 7 days before the start of the event: 95 % of the total event price;
within 7 days (7th day inclusive) before the start of the event: 100 % of the total event price.

In case of cancellation, the total event price will be increased by an additional amount:

possible cancellation costs;
possible reservation costs;
possible quotation costs;
any additional costs, if the actual costs on the part of Global Events and Conferences Company as a result of the

cancellation exceed the aforementioned cancellation costs.

In addition to the general terms and conditions of Global Events and Conferences Company, the general terms and conditions for the Hotel and Catering Industry also apply to reservations and/or cancellations relating to hotel and/or catering services.

The costs for the participant who, without cancelling, is not present at the start of the event (hotel reservation) shall not be deducted from the invoice and must be paid in full by the Client to Global Events and Conferences Company.

Cancellation by the Client is not possible if cancellation of an agreement between Global Events and Conferences Company and a supplier is not possible, and/or if costs are involved. If a supplier charges such costs, they will be charged in full to the Client.

Global Events and Conferences Company has the right to cancel the event up to 14 days before the start of the event if the number of registrations is less than the minimum number of participants discussed in advance.

Global Events and Conferences Company has the right to cancel the agreement at any time prior to the event, without any compensation being due to the Client, with the exception of possible refund of the prepaid amounts. Global Events and Conferences Company is obliged to immediately inform the Client of the cancellation.

If Global Events and Conferences Company decides to interrupt an event which is already in progress, it is obliged to make every effort to ensure the safe return of the participant(s).

Serious shortcomings in the implementation of the agreement by the Client or participant(s), including the improper use of materials made available, the creation of dangerous situations and the like, entitle Global Events and Conferences Company to immediately suspend its obligations, in particular taking back the materials made available and/or discontinuing the event. Global Events and Conferences Company may dissolve the agreement in such a situation by means of a verbal statement to the Client or participant, followed by a written statement. Global Events and Conferences Company is entitled to full compensation of all costs, plus the costs of any damages incurred by the Client and/or participant.

Global Events and Conferences Company may suspend (the execution of) the agreement or dissolve it with immediate effect if:

The Client fails to fulfil all obligations arising from the agreement or to do so in full or on time;
After the conclusion of the agreement, Global Events and Conferences Company has become aware of circumstances as a result of which it has good reason to fear that the Client will not fulfil its obligations;
due to a delay on the part of the Client, Global Events and Conferences Company can no longer be expected to perform

the agreement under the originally agreed conditions;

if circumstances arise of such a nature that fulfilment of the agreement is impossible;
the Client fails to provide Global Events and Conferences Company in a timely manner with all the necessary

information (which may or may not be) necessary for the proper performance of the agreement.

If the suspension or dissolution is attributable to the Client, Global Events and Conferences Company is entitled to recover any damages it may suffer as a result from the Client.

If the suspension or dissolution is not attributable to the Client, and if no work has yet been performed by Global Events and Conferences Company, but a (down) payment has been transferred by the Client to Global Events and Conferences Company‘s bank account, the (down) payment will be returned to the Client’s account within ten days. If any (preparatory) work has already been performed by Global Events and Conferences Company, the latter reserves the right to charge for this work on the basis of the number of hours worked and at the applicable hourly rate. If the Client has already transferred a (down) payment to the account of Global Events and Conferences Company, this will be settled with the invoice amount or deducted. If a balance remains in favour of the Client, this amount shall be transferred back to the Client’s account within ten days.

In the event of liquidation, a (request for) suspension of payment or bankruptcy, or confiscation on the part of the Client, or if the Client is no longer able to freely dispose of its equity capital, the Global Events and Conferences Company is free to terminate the agreement immediately and with immediate effect. In that case, the Global Events and Conferences Company shall not owe any compensation. Any claims that Global Events and Conferences Company may have against the Client shall become immediately due and payable in the situations referred to above.

Article 8 Liability

Global Events and Conferences Company is only liable if and if stated in this article.

Participation in an event takes place at the risk of and under the own responsibility of the Client and/or participant. Except in cases of intent or gross negligence on the part of Global Events and Conferences Company, Global Events and Conferences Company is not liable for any form of damage suffered by the Client/participant as a result of accidents that occur before, during or after an event, unless and insofar as, exclusion of liability may not be permitted by law.

Global Events and Conferences Company can only be liable for damage resulting from a material defect in the facilities it offers, if this material defect can be attributed to Global Events and Conferences Company, unless this defect is not due to its fault, nor by virtue of the law, a legal act or generally accepted opinion, for the account of Global Events and Conferences Company.

Global Events and Conferences Company is in any case not liable for damages:

caused by errors or shortcomings in the information, data or material prescribed or provided to Global Events and Conferences Company by the Client/participant;
caused by misunderstandings, errors or shortcomings with regard to the execution of the agreement if they are caused by the actions of the Client/participant;
caused by errors or shortcomings on the part of third parties engaged by or on behalf of the Client/participant;
caused by a shortcoming or wrongful act/failure on the part of executive service providers or suppliers or their staff. (Not an exhaustive list)

Global Events and Conferences Company is only liable for direct damage attributable to them. Liability for indirect damages, including consequential damages, lost profits, lost savings and other forms of indirect damages, is completely excluded. Any liability expires after one year from the moment the agreement is completed.

The Client/Participant is liable towards Global Events and Conferences Company, for damage or any other disadvantage caused or omitted by himself, or by third parties “admitted” by him.

The Client/participant indemnifies Global Events and Conferences Companyagainst all claims of third parties, including the (reasonable) costs of legal assistance, arising in any way from the agreement between the parties, except in the case of intent or gross negligence on the part of Global Events and Conferences Company.

Client/participant is obliged to take out appropriate accident-travel-and/or cancellation insurance. In any event, Global Events and Conferences Companyshall never accept liability for damage for which a claim for compensation exists, or is deemed to exist, by virtue of an accident trip and/or accident insurance.

The supplier(s) of Global Events and Conferences Company is/are deemed to take out appropriate liability and/or accident insurance. In any event, Global Events and Conferences Company does not accept any liability for damage for which a claim for compensation exists or is deemed to exist by virtue of such liability and/or accident insurance and/or any other insurance to cover damage in the broadest sense of the word.

The exclusions and/or limitations of liability included in this article also apply to employees and/or representatives of Global Events and Conferences Company, the booking office and service providers involved, as well as their staff, unless and insofar as, exclusion of liability should not be permitted by law.

If, during the execution of an event, an event occurs that leads to liability of Global Events and Conferences Company, the liability will be limited to the amount(s) to which the insurance(s) taken out by Global Events and Conferences Companygives claim.

If Global Events and Conferences Company is culpable deficient in his compliance with his obligations of an agreement relating to an event covered by the Travel Agreement Act, Global Events and Conferences Company shall be liable for compensation for damage that is a direct result of the lack of performance, up to a maximum of twice the travel sum, unless otherwise required by law. The liability of Global Events and Conferences Company for any loss of travel enjoyment is limited to a maximum of once the amount of the travel sum.

Article 9 Force majeure

Shortcomings in the performance of the agreement cannot be attributed to Global Events and Conferences Company if they are not due to its fault pursuant to the law, the agreement or according to generally accepted standards.

In the event of force majeure on the part of Global Events and Conferences Company, Global Events and Conferences Company has the option of temporarily suspending the performance of the agreement. Global Events and Conferences Company will inform the Client of this in writing. If performance is impossible or permanently impossible for more than two months due to force majeure, the agreement may be dissolved in whole or in part by either party. Global Events and Conferences Company reserves the right to charge the Client for services already provided. Global Events and Conferences Company has no obligation in a situation of force majeure to compensate any damage to the Client. Global Events and Conferences Company advises the Client to insure itself against such risks.

Article 10 Obligations of the parties

Before or at the latest at the conclusion of the agreement, the Client is obliged to pass on all relevant information about himself and/or the participants to Global Events and Conferences Company, which may be necessary for the correct and safe execution of the agreement. This may include:

relevant personal circumstances;
relevant medical and conditional details;
driver’s license for car/scooter trips and the like;
other travel and/or accommodation documents;
whether or not in possession of a recognised swimming diploma for activities in or on the water, other than touring boats.
Each participant is and remains responsible for the assessment whether he/she is in sufficient condition to participate in (certain parts of) the event.
During the entire event, the participant is obliged to comply with instructions and directions of Global Events and Conferences Company or service representative, in order to promote the proper execution of the agreement.
A participant who exhibits such physical and/or psychological defects and/or causes nuisance or inconvenience to other participants or third parties, as a result of which the execution of the event is greatly hindered, which endangers the safety of himself and/or others, or who treats nature and the environment in an incorrect or irresponsible manner, can be excluded from (further) participation in the event by Global Events and Conferences Company or its representative. All resulting (additional) costs are at the expense of the participant and/or the Principal.
If a participant deviates from the recommended route and/or the recommended time or itinerary and deviating from the recommended time or itinerary results in extra costs, the costs will be at the expense of the participant or the Client.
All participants are obliged to show a valid proof of identification at the first request of Global Events and Conferences Company.
The material made available during an event must be used by the participant in the way it is intended by virtue of its nature and the agreement. The participant must report any defects immediately. The participant may not make any changes to the material, nor may he give it to third parties for use. Any damage to or loss of material must be reported to Global Events and Conferences Company as soon as possible, but no later than at the end of the event. Prior permission from Global Events and Conferences Company is required for any repair order.
At the end of the event, the participant will hand over the material made available to (a representative of) Global Events and Conferences Companyin the same condition in which the participant received it at the start of the event and as clean as possible. Global Events and Conferences Company is entitled to charge additional costs for cleaning, transport, storage, searches, reports of loss, etc. to the Client.

Article 11 Complaints

Global Events and Conferences Company has a complaints procedure if the Client is of the opinion that there is a shortcoming in the execution of the agreement.
During an event Principal must immediately report a complaint to the service provider concerned, so that he can, as far as possible, find a suitable solution. If this is not possible or not entirely possible and the shortcoming impairs the quality of the event, the Client must immediately report this to Global Events and Conferences Company.
If the complaint is not handled satisfactorily on the spot, the Client may submit a written and motivated submission to Global Events and Conferences Company no later than 14 days after the end of the Event.
Within 14 days after Global Events and Conferences Company has received the complaint, the Client will receive a substantive response from Global Events and Conferences Company.
The Client gives Global Events and Conferences Company four weeks to resolve a complaint in mutual consultation. After this period, a dispute arises.
Any claim, for whatever reason, as well as any right to dissolve the agreement, shall lapse, in the event of late notification of a complaint, but in any case 1 year after the event or, if the event did not take place, 1 year after the original commencement date.

Article 12 Privacy policy

Global Events and Conferences Company respects the privacy of all users of its site and of all participants in an event and ensures that the personal information received by Global Events and Conferences Company is treated confidentially. Global Events and Conferences Company uses the received data only to provide the services, goods and / or information requested. Otherwise, this information will only be used with the consent of the recipient. The complete privacy policy of Global Events and Conferences Company can be read at

Article 13 Other provisions

All intellectual property rights arising from the agreement or its preparation shall belong to us or our licensors. This also applies to non-executed concepts and/or proposals.

Article 14 Applicable law and disputes

All agreements to be concluded by Global Events and Conferences Companyare governed by Jordanian law.
Contrary to the legal rules for the competence of the civil court, any dispute between the Client and Global Events and Conferences Company will, in case the court is competent, be settled by the District Court of Amman, location Amman. Global Events and Conferences Company remains entitled to summon the other party to appear before the competent court according to the law, or the applicable international treaty.
Global Events and Conferences Company, general terms and conditions