Norman Waterhouse graduated from Birmingham University Medical School in 1978. After four years of general surgery training he

qualified as a Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons of England and Edinburgh in 1982. His Plastic Surgery training was carried out

in Bristol, Bordeaux, Adelaide, Tokyo and London. In 1988 he completed his accreditation and gained specialist fellowship in Plastic

Surgery FRCS(Plas).

Initially appointed as a Consultant in Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery at St Bartholomew’s and the Royal London Hospitals, he

subsequently moved to Charing Cross and the Westminster Hospital where he developed a cleft lip and palate and head and neck

practice. For fifteen years he led the specialist Cranio-Facial Unit at the Chelsea and Westminster Hospital, treating all forms of facial

conditions. He is now an Honorary Consultant at the Chelsea and Westminster Hospital, and is in full time aesthetic surgery private

practice. He is a past President of the British Association of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons, a Council member, and Royal College Tutor in

Aesthetic Surgery.

He has an international profile in facial rejuvenation surgery..

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