Received medical degree from “Beirut Arab University” in 2005
Surgery Residency at AUBMC 2005-2010.
Followed by Breast Surgical Oncology training at Johns Hopkins,USA for 1 year 2010-2011
Then 1 year of clinical research at Hopkins Sidney-Kimmel breast cancer center 2011-2012
Surgical Oncology fellowship at MSKCC for 1 year 2012-2013, during which training was focused on colorectal cancer , gastric cancer, and retroperitoneal and soft tissue sarcomas.
“Fellow of the European Board of General Surgery”: Certified by the European board of general surgery in June 2014.
Joined the department of surgery at AUBMC in june 2014.
Currently pursuing a masters in SHARP (Scholars in Health Research Program) at AUB.
Member of many committees at AUBMC:
 Cancer Prevention taskforce
 Research Funding Committee
 Scientific Committee
 Medical Record Committee
Co-leader of the “Private Clinics Committee”
ACGMEI core faculty member and member of the Clinical Competency Evaluation committee.
Clinical interest in: breast cancer with special interest in the new “Nipple Sparing Mastectomy”, retroperitoneal and soft tissue sarcomas sarcoma , and gastric cancers.
Special research interest in translational research and outcome research.
Member of national and international surgical oncology societies.